Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How do you paint your online portrait?

In our world today we are vastly more connected than even 5 years ago. Thanks to the explosion of SNS's (social networking sites). In this day and age we are a world controlled by our need to access information about the lives of those around us via social media and online connectivity. so what is a SNS? According to Danah Boyd it is "a wed-based service that allows individuals to (1) construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connections, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system."

Do you ever feel that you need to make yourself 'seen' online on various social media platforms? I believe that this is a case where the invention of these ideas created the need we have and not vice versa. how can you want to share your lunch on Instagram if there was no such thing before to enable you to do just that? What makes people want to share their entire lives on social media?

Networked narrative is something that aids in the need to be constantly connected to one another. Ruth Page, in her article about the growth of the networked narrative, makes a valid point in that narrating ones life on social media is no longer a solo affair. In order to have a 'presence' online it depends on the shaping of interactive contexts that are built through interaction between people on those sites. The ever growing need to be popular on these sites by connecting to people is shown through the the evolution of the 'like' button. Mainly seen on FaceBook, it is a way for people to show that they agree or indeed like what you are saying when you update your status.

I believe the invention of these things has made us have the need  to paint our online portrait in the most favorable of lighting. By enabling those within your friend network to like and respond to your posts it makes those posting want to put their best selves forward in most cases. There are those few ( I'm sure you have someone in mind now) who post all of their drama and lives on social media and it can be overwhelming to those within their friend networks.

Something that I found interesting in another article was the idea of the social media grape vine. The entire reason you stay so connected to these people you are 'friends' with is to be able to talk about their lives and updates to others in real life. This is why I believe people focus so much attention on making their online portrait as close to perfect as they can.

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